Let me start this by saying that I would never hurt a fly. You’ve heard that one before, right? Well, at least I wouldn’t hurt a fly on purpose. I’d rather open a door or window and let it out than swat it with a newspaper. Of course, it wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that by swatting a fly, you then have to deal with the consequences of a fly carcass.
But this blog is about moles. The kind that invade your yard. The kind that create large mounds of dirt that leave you scratching your head saying “what the….how the…” and the kind that dig tunnels under the grass disconnecting the roots and leaving streaks of yellow all over your beautiful lawn.
Mole Trail |
Those moles. Apparently one (or two) can do major damage – enough so one would think a whole family was living under your yard. Yes, we’ve tried the remedies: gum, blood meal, sticking a water hose in the hole, you name it. We even tried solar-powered tubes you stick in the ground that emit a high frequency noise that are supposed to chase the moles away. No luck. My husband was beginning to remind me of the Bill Murray character in Caddyshack trying to get rid of the gophers.
I finally found THE solution. It’s called Mole Busters. No, it doesn’t come in a can or a box. You can’t find it at the store. It’s a guy. He comes to your house. Sets traps. Returns in a couple of days. Case closed. You pay for each dead mole. (Now you know why I started out with the fly story.) I hate killing the little guys, but, well, darnit, they gotta go. So, you got mole problems? Call me – I know a guy….